

Return analytics like no other

Sales-led data that helps you view your returns data in context.

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frank green
Shona Joy
Country Road
Adore Beauty
City Beach
Princess Polly
P.E. Nation
Woman in black dress with her hands up
Real-time data

Your returns data in real-time

Gain comprehensive insights into your returns data to understand what’s being returned and why.
Core returns data
Easily view your most commonly returned items and the reasons for their return.
Shipping & processing insights
Track the average time it takes for customers to return items and for your team to process them.
Item-level return rates
Get a high-level overview of your store's return rate and analyse it on a per-item basis.
Repurchase focused

Shopper repurchase behaviour

Understand your how many of your shoppers are repurchasing with you post-return.
Repurchase rates
Monitor your post-return repurchase rate and identify customers who return to shop again.
24 hour repurchases
Find out how many customers are making a repurchase within 24 hours of their return.
Updated daily
All data is refreshed and updated daily to ensure you have the most current information.
Customer profiles

In-depth customer profiles

Gain comprehensive insights into your returns data to understand what’s being returned and why.
Understand your customers
Explore detailed insights into different types of customer returns and their potential impact on your business.
Reduce fraud & stay on top of costly customers
Identify your most frequent returners and reduce returns abuse and fraud by tracking shopper behaviour.
Help solve problems for shoppers sooner
Understand which customers are returning specific items to better assist them in finding the right product.

Built to fit into your tech stack

With a range of pre-built & custom integrations, let us take care of implementation and reduce the time to go-live.
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