

Complete return rule customisation

Maintain complete control over your return conditions such as return time and excluded items.

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frank green
Shona Joy
Country Road
Adore Beauty
City Beach
Princess Polly
P.E. Nation
Woman in black dress with her hands up
Return rules

Build your policy into the user journey

Use your rules to define your customer's returns lodgement journey.
Blocks & exclusions
Block or exclude certain items & orders from being lodged and returned back to you.
Adjust return shipping conditions
Charge different return shipping costs and display different carriers on a per item, order, or customer basis.
Priority led
Prioritise your rules to dictate what rules will always kick in first.
Return rules

Bring loyalty into your returns

Adjust your return rules based on the customer that is making the return.
Reward loyal customers
Provide loyal customers with adjusted return rules such as free return shipping or more time to return.
Block costly customers
Restrict or block customers who are regular or costly returners to your business.
Allow exceptions
Bring one-off exceptions to your customers if you're looking to unblock and item or provide more time.

Built to fit into your tech stack

With a range of pre-built & custom integrations, let us take care of implementation and reduce the time to go-live.
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