

The only customer-first return solution

A returns portal your customers recognise.

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frank green
Shona Joy
Country Road
Adore Beauty
City Beach
Princess Polly
P.E. Nation
Woman in black dress with her hands up

Simplifying your returns

Making returns lodgement simple and easy to manage for you and your team.
Self-service returns portal for your customers.
Automated label generation from over 100+ different carriers.
On-brand and built around your stores returns policy.

Powerful resolutions

Let your customers choose what they want to return for.
Refund, store credit, and exchange automation.
Custom resolutions to build out your own outcomes for customers.
Display and hide resolutions on a per order, customer, and item basis.
Data & Analytics

In-depth & real-time analytics

Understand every aspect of your returns inside and out.
Access high-level and in-depth data across all your returns.
Easily see repurchase and return rates on a per order and item basis.
Understand customer return behaviour as well as internal processing insights.
Customer Focused

Customer visibility like no other

Customers have access to the Refundid app to monitor and view all returns.
Customer visibility over return status & next steps.
An easy shopping experience to help promote repurchases.
Make it easy for customers to start a new return directly from the Refundid app.
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Built to fit into your tech stack

With a range of pre-built & custom integrations, let us take care of implementation and reduce the time to go-live.
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